Press Releases

UniSource Energy Shareholders Approve New Name For Company

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 4 2012 12:00:00:000AM Media Contact: Joseph Barrios, (520) 884-3725Financial Analyst Contact: Chris Norman, (520) 884-3649 UniSource Energy Shareholders Approve New Name For Company Tucson, Ariz. — Shareholders of UniSource Energy Corporation (NYSE: UNS) approved at the company’s annual meeting today changing the company’s name to UNS Energy Corporation. The company’s new

Press Releases

Lawrence Lucero to Oversee Customer Programs, Services for UNS Companies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb 8 2012 12:00:00:000AM Media Contact: Art McDonald, (520) 884-3628, Financial Analyst Contact: Chris Norman, (520) 884-3649, Lawrence Lucero to Oversee Customer Programs, Services for UNS Companies Tucson, Ariz. – Lawrence T. Lucero has been named Senior Director of Customer Programs and Services for UniSource Energy Corporation (NYSE: UNS) and

news headlne Press Releases

TEP Selects AREVA Solar as Technology Partner for Innovative CSP Booster Project

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan 31 2012 12:00:00:000AM TEP Contact: Joe Salkowski, Office: (520) 884-3625, Mobile: (520) 404-3164, AREVA Solar Contact: Katherine Potter, Office: (650) 963-8645, Mobile: (408) 398-6611, TEP Selects AREVA Solar as Technology Partner for Innovative CSP Booster Project Tucson to gain jobs; project to advance U.S. solar hybrid power plant market