Red Russell Community

Frank E. “Red” Russell

Frank E. “Red” Russell wasn’t just a company founder and its first manager. He also served on the Tucson City Council, helped start Tucson’s volunteer fire department and served as fire chief from 1898 to 1903 and again from 1905 to 1906. As if he wasn’t busy enough, Red also sold and repaired electrical equipment,


Building Bathrooms in Bolivia

Mark Mansfield, Tucson Electric Power’s Vice President of Energy Resources, and five University of Arizona students built outhouses in Bolivia with local residents as part of Engineers Without Borders. Mark is a professional mentor for the UA chapter of the nonprofit humanitarian organization that supports engineering projects in third-world countries, primarily to improve water and


$1 Billion Investment in Safe, Reliable Service

Tucson Electric Power has invested more than $1 billion since 2011 to maintain safe, reliable electric service to more than 417,000 customers. These improvements have included: $468 million of upgrades to TEP’s transmission and distribution system, including $216 million to improve several 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines and build a new 500-kV transmission line. TEP also


Homegrown CEO

When Tucson Electric Power first created the Wholesale Marketing department in the mid-1990s, two employees were selected as the company’s first day traders – Michael Bowling and David Hutchens. It was a busy time for Wholesale Marketing. TEP had an abundance of excess power in a volatile, fast-paced market, making for long, exciting workdays and raising