Generation Interconnection Services
Tucson Electric Power is dedicated to ensuring that non-residential, large-scale generating projects are connected safely and efficiently to our transmission system. Interconnection service is available on TEP’s transmission (138, 345 and 500kV) and distribution systems.
Get Started
Connecting your generation project to our system is a multi-step process. This section of our website is designed to guide applicants step-by-step through this process and help them understand their and TEP’s responsibilities for obtaining generation interconnection service to TEP’s transmission system under the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).
All new interconnection projects require an application and a deposit. This allows TEP to evaluate your project specifications and determine whether they meet our requirements. The links below will guide you through every step of the process, from submitting an Interconnection Request to completing an Interconnection Agreement. Please begin by selecting one of the following links that relates to your specific interconnection project:
Submitting an Interconnection Request(Select one)
Qualifying Facility (QF) - State Jurisdiction
Non-residential customers wishing to connect a Qualifying Facility (QF) to the TEP transmission system must satisfy the requirements set forth in the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978.
Learn more about Qualifying Facilities and PURPA by clicking here.
For more information about submitting an application with TEP under PURPA, and the process for interconnecting a QF project, please contact us at Interconnections@tep.com.