Committed to Customer Satisfaction

You count on our power and you can count on our people.

We’ve powered our community for more than 130 years, providing the safe, reliable and affordable service you depend on for your modern life.

We’re committed to your satisfaction and we’ll be here when you need us the most.

The Voice of Our Employees

Our Tips for Managing Your Account

"Managing your budget is a lot easier when you know how much your bills are in advance. Most of us pay lower winter bills and then higher summer bills when we use our air conditioning units more. With Budget Billing, you’ll pay the same each month all year long, so you’ll know ahead of time how much to set aside for energy costs regardless of the season."
Cindy, Customer Service Representative
"Modern life is incredibly busy. With Auto Pay, you’ll have one less thing to juggle. You’ll still get a statement each month, but your electric bill will be automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. No credit card fees. No more stamps. No more late notices."
Azya, Customer Service Representative
“We offer a choice of pricing plan options that can help customers manage their energy usage and reduce their monthly bills. We’re happy to help customers learn more about which plans might be a good fit for lifestyle and energy usage habits.”
David, Customer Service Representative
"The TEP Mobile App helps you stay in the know and manage your account on the go. You'll get easy access in seconds, whether you want to pay your bill, enroll in a program, find energy saving tips or report an outage. You'll have the power in your hands to save time, energy and money."
Omar, Customer Service Representative