Energy Efficiency Outreach Team

Tucson Electric Power’s Account Manager is a full-service online portal for customers to pay their bills, check their usage history, enroll in new programs, learn about energy efficiency, and much more.

By enrolling in Account Manager, customers gain access to a tremendous amount of information — at home or on the go via mobile-optimized — without having to call Customer Care.

Account Manager enables you to:

In late July, TEP added new features to Account Manager:

  • Report and learn about an outage at your address.
  • Request a call back when your power is restored.
  • Request a payment extension.
  • When you start, stop or transfer service, move your home telephone, security, Internet and television services for free all at once through Allconnect.

“Account Manager is user friendly, and it’s available at any time of the day or night,” said Amanda Rivero, TEP Customer Care Supervisor.

Also in Account Manager, under the Energy Efficiency tab, customers will find information about how they can save energy and lower their bills.

“By learning about their energy usage, energy-saving tips and TEP program offerings to lower consumption, our customers can take an active role in becoming more energy efficient,” Rivero said.

On, customers also can obtain power outage information and learn about electrical safety, solar energy programs and what TEP does to support education and better the community.

This content was last updated on the date shown above. More recent information might be available elsewhere on