Medium General Service (MGS)
Our MGS plans are designed for medium-sized commercial and industrial customers with measured demands of at least 20 kilowatts (kW) and below 300 kW.
This plan combines a monthly customer charge and a seasonal usage-based rate with a "demand" charge based on the greatest of either your highest usage within a 15-minute period during all hours of the current billing cycle, or the greater of either a predetermined contract capacity or 20 kilowatts (kW).
How can I manage my energy costs on this plan?
The Demand Charge is designed to reflect the cost of resources and facilities TEP must build and maintain to satisfy customers’ maximum energy needs. When that maximum usage level goes down, so does the cost of providing all of our customers with safe, reliable service.
Avoiding the simultaneous use of large appliances and equipment such as air conditioning, lighting, computers, copiers and printers will help reduce your monthly Demand Charge.
What else should I know about this plan?
If demand meets or exceeds 300 kW twice in a rolling twelve-month period, you may be moved to the Large General Service rate.
Customers who leave this plan cannot return to MGS for at least 12 months.
¹ Includes Energy/Delivery and Power Supply charges but excludes the Purchased Power and Fuel Adjustment Clause charge.
² The greatest measured 15-minute interval demand read of the customers’ meter during all hours of the billing period or the contract capacity or 20 kW, whichever is greater.