
2023 Integrated Resource Plan

A Balanced Path to a Cleaner Energy Future

TEP’s 2023 Integrated Resource Plan lays out the path we'll follow over the next 15 years to serve our customers' energy needs.

We’re planning to accelerate our clean energy expansion to support anticipated growth and preserve affordable, reliable service amid increasing resource constraints on the Southwestern electric grid.

The additions will help us work toward a new aspirational goal: net zero direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

We’re already making clear progress. Between 2020 and 2022, our CO2 emissions dropped 32 percent thanks to coal plant retirements and 480 MW of new wind, solar and storage projects.

Our 2023 IRP anticipates 2,240 megawatts (MW) of new renewable generation and 1,300 MW of new energy storage by 2038. We’re also anticipating 400 MW of new natural gas turbines to help offset the retirement of our remaining coal-fired power plants, which are scheduled to retire in 2027 and 2032, and support our expanded use of variable wind and solar energy.

This balance was determined to be the most cost-effective way to maintain reliability while achieving our CO2 reduction target. That goal was developed in partnership with the University of Arizona’s Institute of the Environment and designed to represent reductions that will keep our community aligned with the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

This plan has been submitted for review to the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Clean Energy Expansion

Our 2023 IRP calls for a dramatic expansion of our renewable energy resources, even beyond what was envisioned in our previous resource plan. This reflects market changes that have made clean energy resources more affordable while increasing risks for other alternatives.

TEP’s 2020 IRP called for 1,000 MW of combined wind, solar and storage additions by 2030. Our new plan boosts that to 1,500 MW to support reliability and affordability amid increasing resource constraints and volatile pricing on the southwestern regional grid. The new timeline also capitalizes on the availability of federal clean energy tax credits that could reduce long-term costs for our customers. New systems will include the new 200-MW Roadrunner Reserve battery energy storage system announced in October 2023 and scheduled to come online by the summer of 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

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IRP Advisory Council

As part of the 2023 IRP process, TEP engaged an advisory council that provided a forum for in-depth discussions with engaged community stakeholders. Members include residential and business customers, local governments, an advocate for low-income residents, solar installers and environmental activists.  This diverse, knowledgeable group helped us chart a long-term plan that will helps our community achieve sustainability goals and maintain reliable, affordable electric service.

Learn more about the Advisory Council process and membership.